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Pick Six Ice Creams To Find Out What % Coldhearted You Are

Posted June 11, 2017 under Gossip & Rumors

Pick Six Ice Creams To Find Out What % Coldhearted You Are

You got: 12% Coldhearted

You’re only 12% coldhearted — and 88% tenderhearted! You big mush!

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You got: 35% Coldhearted

You’re not very coldhearted. In fact, you can be pretty emotional. Still, there are moments when you’re the only dry-eyed person in the room, and by comparison to everyone else’s, your heart feels pretty cold.

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You got: 49.9% Coldhearted

You have a relatively well-regulated emotional sense. Your heart is cold, but not frozen solid. The coldness of your heart is moderate.

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You got: 78% Coldhearted

You’re one cold MF! Your heart isn’t solid ice, though. It would be more accurate to say you’re stoic. You’re calm and collected on the outside, and what lies within is anybody’s guess.

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You got: 91% Coldhearted

Feelings? Ha! What a joke! You only feel feelings sometimes to remind yourself what you’re definitely NOT missing out on.

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You got: 100% Coldhearted

Damn. Your heart is solid ice. You feel nothing! Ice? It’d be more accurate to say your heart is made of stone!

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