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Do You Remember When This Guy Pulled The Greatest Pizza Scam Ever?

Posted June 8, 2017 under Gossip & Rumors

What do you mean it’s been a decade?

So 2007 was objectively a great year for viral content. It was the year we first watched Potter Puppet Pals, the year Britney shaved her head, and the year Taylor Swift performed in a Walmart.

So 2007 was objectively a great year for viral content. It was the year we first watched Potter Puppet Pals, the year Britney shaved her head, and the year Taylor Swift performed in a Walmart.

Perhaps one of the greatest internet phenomenons to come out of 2007 was from a blog called The Sneeze. Steven, the owner and creator of The Sneeze, wanted a pizza and decided to test out the Domino’s online ordering system.

Perhaps one of the greatest internet phenomenons to come out of 2007 was from a blog called The Sneeze. Steven, the owner and creator of The Sneeze, wanted a pizza and decided to test out the Domino's online ordering system.

The Sneeze / Via

A half pepperoni, half mushroom pizza is a reasonable enough request, but Steven didn’t stop there. In a moment of either sheer brilliance or delusion, he placed an order for a pizza with no sauce, no cheese — absolutely nothing except beef on the left side.

A half pepperoni, half mushroom pizza is a reasonable enough request, but Steven didn't stop there. In a moment of either sheer brilliance or delusion, he placed an order for a pizza with no sauce, no cheese — absolutely nothing except beef on the left side.

The Sneeze / Via

While Steven may have ordered this pizza as a joke, these Domino’s employees took their jobs seriously, and in 25 minutes this was delivered to Steven’s door.

While Steven may have ordered this pizza as a joke, these Domino's employees took their jobs seriously, and in 25 minutes this was delivered to Steven's door.

The Sneeze / Via

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